
机构研究,规划,有效性 & 技术

机构研究,规划,有效性 和 技术

的 Division of 机构研究,规划,有效性 和 技术 (IRPET) maintains oversight 和/or support of a variety of processes 和 content areas necessary for continuous institutional improvement.


认证 involves third-party review of educational programs to ensure st和ards of quality are met. 认证 is important to 阿尔伯马尔学院 (COA) for several reasons:

  • 支持持续改进
  • 提供获得公共资金的途径
  • 建立选民/公众对学院的信心
  • 使学分转换更容易

COA是由机构认可的 Southern Association of Colleges 和 Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC); the College also receives programmatic accreditation in several 健康 Sciences areas.


SACSCOC defines substantive change as “a significant modification or expansion of the nature 和 scope of an accredited institution. 实质性的改变包括高影响, high-risk changes 和 changes that can impact the quality of educational programs 和 services.” Some of the most common substantive changes include:

  • 在新的地点提供项目和课程
  • 新项目的实施
  • 项目终止
  • 关闭工地

A complete list of substantive changes can be found on the SACSCOC’s Substantive change Policy 和 Procedures (PDF)

COA is responsible for ensuring compliance with SACSCOC policy by providing notification or seeking approval as warranted prior to the initiation of any substantive changes. COA Policy 1-8: SACSCOC 实质性的改变s (Google document) requires area leaders to work with the SACSCOC Liaison to ascertain if the change is substantive 和 if it requires notification only or approval from SACSCOC. COA的认证联络员是 IRPET副总裁.


使命、愿景和价值观 communicate COA’s purpose, aspirational goals 和 core principles. 每 COA’s Institutional Effectiveness Procedures (Google document), these documents should be reviewed every three to five years.


战略计划 delineates the College’s goals 和 objectives 每三到五年就会重新审查和更新一次. 的 current three-year plan has four major themes: Access, Success, Diversity 和 Relationships. 作为战略计划的一部分, the Institutional Objectives set measurable targets using key performance indicators to help drive the continuous improvement process.


All policies of 阿尔伯马尔学院 will be applied so as to comply with the laws 和 regulations of the United States, 北卡罗来纳州, 州社区学院委员会, 北卡罗来纳社区学院系统, 和 all accreditation agencies to which the college is accountable.



COA政策2.3.11:补助金、合约及对外协议(PDF) authorizes the President 和 her or his designees to seek external funding. Approval must be received before a COA employee applies to the external organization. Applicants should review/complete the following forms to seek approval to apply for a grant:

的 initiating department should determine feasibility 和 appropriate application of any grant request 和 should provide outlines, 计划, 草稿, 和 other appropriate materials necessary to produce a final proposal to present to PLT for their consideration 和 recommendation to the president for their decision.


COA’s 院校检讨委员会 (IRB) is tasked with protecting the rights 和 welfare of human research subjects participating in research activities. Internal 和 external researchers wishing to collect data at COA as part of a study must submit the following documents:

收到申请材料后, IRPET副总裁 会召集内部审查委员会吗.


信息技术 和 several other offices work to meet technology needs across the College. 学生和员工可以 完成技术支持请求 在各个领域寻求帮助:

  • Gmail™
  • 我的课程和其他远程教育元素
  • 微软Office™
  • 同事- Datatel™
  • 硬件和软件
  • 网络连接
  • 数据报告和请求
  • 教室和课程安排
  • 市场营销
  • 维护

Once submitted, 技术支持 requests are assigned to the appropriate office for follow-up.


Several resources exist for obtaining data as a part of institutional continuous improvement processes:

  • North Carolina Community College System Data Dashboards ——一套公开的, interactive dashboards reporting state key performance indicators with multi-year data that can be disaggregated by a variety of factors 和 that can be used to make comparisons with other institutions
  • 大学导航™ -公众, searchable site maintained by the National Center for Education Statistics to provide institutional data such as tuition 和 fees, 金融援助, 招生, 毕业率, 学生的结果, 等.
  • IPEDS Data Feedback Reports — annual reports produced by the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) detailing data components such as student 招生, 毕业率, 学生费用, 项目完成, 教师, 员工及财务, which can be used to compare COA to other institutions 和 to help set benchmarks for institutional 和 departmental goals 和 objectives
  • Informer™ — an employee login-based platform for the retrieval of data/reports specific to COA
  • 站立数据网页- COA学生群体多样性COA学生成绩
  • 调查, Institutional Effectiveness Procedures (Word document) 需要研究办公室, 规划 和 Effectiveness to provide assistance in survey design 和 data collection 和 to review 和 coordinate all non-IRB surveys administered at COA

For assistance in getting data other than for research study purposes, 提交技术支持单, or 联系COA的机构研究员.


  • Roughton,博士. 迪安

  • Vice President, 机构研究,规划,有效性 和 技术

  • 伊莉莎白市:A 103

  • 252-335-0821 ext. 2306